The project team consists of the following individuals.
University of Oxford

Steve Rayner
Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS)
Steve Rayner is James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization and Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) at the University of Oxford where he also co-directs the Oxford Geoengineering Programme. He has served on various US, UK, and international bodies addressing science, technology and the environment, including Britain’s Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Royal Society’s Working Group on Climate Geoengineering.

Peter Healey
Project Coordinator
Peter Healey is a Research Fellow in the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford. He is a sociologist by training, who came to academia after work as research funder in the UK Economic and Social Research Council, and then in the Science Policy Support Group which he co-founded and which developed and delivered strategic programmes of research on science, technology and innovation policy funded from the UK and EU. In InSIS since 2004 he has coordinated a European project on Science, Technology and Inequality (ResIST), convened a World Forum and proceedings volume on radical attempts to extend human lifespan and capacities, helped develop a research agenda on the implications of rising powers and multipolar global governance and managed the development of the Climate Geoengineering Governance project. He is the CGG coordinator.

Pak-Hang Wong
Research Fellow
Pak-Hang Wong is a Research Fellow on Climate Geoengineering Governance at
the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) and the Institute
for Science and Ethics, Univeristy of Oxford. Pak-Hang considers himself
mainly as a philosopher and ethicist of technology, but he also works on
social theory, (digital) media studies, discourse analysis, and science and
technology studies. He has published on these topics in edited volumes and
journals such as Philosophy & Technology and Science and Engineering
Ethics. He also has a strong interest in Chinese philosophy and ethics,
particularly its potential contributions to philosophy and ethics of
technology. In this project, he is working with Steve Rayner and Julian
Savulescu to examine the moral and political implications of geoengineering.

Javier Lezaun
James Martin Lecturer in S&T Governance
Javier Lezaun is James Martin Lecturer in Science and Technology Governance at the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS), University of Oxford. His research focuses on the public dimensions of science and technology. At InSIS he directs the BioProperty project, on the future of intellectual property rights in biomedical research. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of Economics, and Associate Member of the Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process at Goldsmiths.

Rob Bellamy
Research Fellow
Rob Bellamy is a Research Fellow in the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) at the University of Oxford. As part of the Climate Geoengineering Governance (CGG) project his research explores public participation in the appraisal and governance of climate geoengineering proposals: deliberate large scale interventions in the Earth’s climate system designed to moderate anthropogenic climate change. Prior to his PhD at the University of East Anglia he was lead author of the UK’s first comprehensive Climate Adaptation Tool during his term as Climate Adaptation Officer at the Norfolk Climate Change Partnership.
Bellamy, R., Chilvers, J., Vaughan, N. and Lenton, T. (2013): ‘Opening up’ geoengineering appraisal: Multi-Criteria Mapping of options for tackling climate change. Global Environmental Change,
Bellamy, R., Chilvers, J., Vaughan, N. and Lenton, T. (2012): A review of climate geoengineering appraisals. WIREs Climate Change, 3, 597 – 615.
Bellamy, R. (2012): Book review – The GM debate: risk, politics, and public engagement. Public Understanding of Science, 21, 902.
Bellamy, R. and Hulme, M. (2011): Beyond the tipping point: understanding perceptions of abrupt climate change and their implications. Weather, Climate and Society, 3, 48 – 60.

Catherine Redgwell
Chichele Professor of International Law, University of Oxford
Catherine Redgwell is Chichele Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford. Her current work includes the international regulation of unconventional energy underground (e.g. geothermal, fracking, CCS), shared responsibility for energy activities, geoengineering (she is a co-director of the Oxford Geoengineering Programme and was a member of the Royal Society Working Group on Climate Geoengineering) and climate justice (she is a member of the International Bar Association’s Climate Change Justice & Human Rights Task Force).
University of Sussex

Andy Stirling
Research Director for SPRU
Andy Stirling is Research Director for SPRU. Among other projects, he co-directs the ESRC STEPS Centre and Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group. He’s served on advisory bodies for the EU on Energy Policy, Science in Society, Collaborative Research, Sustainability and Science Governance and the UK government on toxic substances, GM Crops, public engagement and science advice – as well as working with the Royal Society, Nuffield Council, UN IHDP, Greenpeace International, Greenpeace UK, Global Energy Observatory, Demos and the Green Alliance. He’s a member of editorial boards for several academic journals and of the Research Committee of the ESRC.

Paul Nightingale
Deputy Director of SPRU
Paul Nightingale is Deputy Director of SPRU, the Science Policy Research Unit, at the University of Sussex, and a visiting Professor in the Strategy Group at Cass Business School. His research interests relate to the regulation of technology, change in large technical systems and biosecurity (dual use). Paul is a researcher on the Climate Geoengineering Project and works on the governance of geoengineering technologies, and the influence of governance practices on innovation and the application of geoengineering technology.

Rose Cairns
Research Fellow
Rose is a research fellow at SPRU (University of Sussex). She has an interdisciplinary background with degrees spanning the social and natural sciences: a BA in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University, an MSc in Conservation & Biodiversity from Exeter University and a PhD in political ecology from the University of Leeds. Her research interests lie in exploring the contested role of science in environmental policy making, participatory research methods and discourse analysis, and the theory and practice of interdisciplinary research. Recent research has focused on climate change governance and biodiversity conservation. In the Climate Geoengineering Governance project Rose will be working primarily on understanding different ways in which Geoengineering is framed, and exploring the consequences of particular framings for different governance options.

Chiara Armeni
Research Associate
Chiara Armeni is an environmental lawyer (LLM., LLB. University of Rome; LLM. University College London) and a Research Associate with University College London, Faculty of Laws. Chiara’s main research interests lie in international and European environmental and energy law, with special focus on and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and geoengineering technologies, and the law and policy of climate change. Since 2009, she has been a Research Associate (Deputy Director since 2011) with the UCL Carbon Capture Legal Programme. Chiara is a Research Fellow with the Climate Geoengineering Governance Project and works on the current legal and regulatory aspects of governing geoengineering technologies with Professor Catherine Redgwell (UCL, Faculty of Laws).
CGG Associate Fellows

Jack Stilgoe
Senior Lecturer, Science and Technology Studies, UCL
Jack Stilgoe is a senior lecturer in the department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London. He is interested in questions of the governance of emerging technologies. For the last year, he has been working with the Engineering and Physical Research Council and SPICE (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering), one of the world’s first major geoengineering research projects to develop new models for engagement, governance and responsible innovation. Before joining UCL, he worked at the University of Exeter, the Royal Society and the think tank Demos.
As a CGG Associate he is working on the construction of geoengineering as an issue, stakeholder engagement and scientific practice.

Nils Markusson
Lecturer, Lancaster Environment Centre, University of Lancaster
Nils Markusson is a lecturer at Lancaster University. He worked as a Research Fellow in the Climate Geoengineering Governance programme at the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford, 2012-2013, doing research on framing of geoengineering. Earlier, he worked as a research associate at Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre at the University of Edinburgh. That work included contributing to several projects funded by the UK Energy Research Centre. Before his PhD on cleaner technology investments in the process industry, he worked as an innovation policy analyst and R&D funding programme manager at VINNOVA, a Swedish government agency working to develop the country’s innovation capacity.